

This web 页面 outlines the different 学术支持 options available for students including tutoring through the Academic Success Center, 学术顾问, 本科招生信息和更多! 使用本页的抽屉来阅读关于每个学术支持的一些信息.


学业成功中心 & 辅导(CAST)提供 learning support programs to assure high quality services to 十大博彩推荐排名州立大学 students. 优质学习以学生为中心. 因此, CAST continues to construct a body of work focused on the academic needs of a rapidly growing student population.

学业成功和辅导中心, certified by 的 College Reading and Learning Association (CRLA) and the National 辅导 Association (NTA), 提供辅导, 补充说明, 以及学术发展服务,包括辅导和研讨会. 进而, the national and international professional standards set by 的 CRLA are maintained through the application of innovative learning theories, 辅导实践, 以及跨文化培训项目.

CAST is dedicated to providing an environment that promotes learning and professional growth where students and tutors work together in reaching their academic goals. 的 individual and group tutoring sessions are offered in most academic areas by master and peer tutors who have excelled in their particular subject areas and have been recommended by 教师. 所有导师都接受过有效学习策略和辅导技巧的培训, 并对他们的技能进行评估,以展示持续学习的心态.

学业成功中心 & 辅导(CAST)提供 学术发展, 辅导服务, 补充说明 与学术和行政部门合作,为十大博彩推荐排名学生提供学习支持. 鼓励学生利用CAST的辅导,促进积极学习, 推理, 批判性思维. 另外, the tutors working at CAST are well trained in applying learning strategies and tutoring techniques to help students become more confident and competent learners while facing academic challenges head-on and mastering course content.

的 Center advertises the tutoring 时间表 at the beginning of the semester and we encourage students to 报名 for a tutoring account to take advantage of the ability to 时间表 in person and on-line tutoring appointments in our various tutoring locations.


Academic advising is a developmental process in which students and academic advisors engage that focuses on helping students achieve their academic, 个人和职业目标.

欲了解更多信息,请访问 学术咨询网站.


Student Leadership Programs is part of the Center for Student Involvement and encourages the development of student leaders through an intentional program of events, 包括撤退, 研讨会, 课程, 辅导项目, 学习社区, 会议, 社区服务计划, 以及表彰和颁奖典礼. 的 office also encourages students to undertake leadership roles in clubs and organizations and student employment opportunities within the campus community, 以及在州内寻求领导机会, 区域, 以及全国性的会议和组织.

学生领导力项目与工作人员密切合作, 教师, 和部门,包括教育机会基金计划, 咨询和学生过渡项目中心, 希腊的生活, 本科招生, 社会正义和多样性/妇女中心, 和居住生活. Students are encouraged to interact with numerous areas of the MSU community and are encouraged to network with other students and 教师 and 工作人员 to enhance their leadership experience.

Faculty can particularly be involved with Student Leadership Programs by presenting and facilitating at student 研讨会, 项目和会议,并担任学生俱乐部和组织的顾问.


Student Leadership Programs communicates frequently with student leaders through email distribution lists, as well as through the department Web site and is able to publicize programs or initiatives to help 教师 reach student leaders. 办公室也为教师提供展示的机会, 促进, 和/或参加学生项目, 研讨会, 会议, 以及社区服务计划, 包括冬季学生领导研修和秋季学生领导研修.


卓越写作中心(CWE)对所有大学生开放, 教师, 工作人员, 以及致力于发展和提高写作水平的校友. Sessions with experienced writing consultants are designed to provide help on every aspect of the writing process, 目标是使作家能够实现长期的进步, 信心, 和独立.

会议时间一般不超过25分钟, 先到即止, 标间. 我们也可以 时间表 提前预约,我们现在提供 在线咨询. 这些服务是免费的.


Designated a 研究 Doctoral 大学 by the Carnegie Classification of Institutions of Higher Education, 大学的11个学院为21个以上的学生提供服务,在校本科生、研究生近000人,博士生300余人, 硕士和学士学位课程.


的 Mission of the 残疾人士资源中心 (DRC) is to unite the 十大博彩推荐排名州立大学 community in an effort to provide students with disabilities the excellence and equity in education to which they are legally entitled. 教师的支持是实现这一使命不可或缺的一部分. It is the hope of the DRC that sharing this information will promote collaboration between the DRC and 教师 as well as provide you with some strategies, 鼓励所有学生充分发挥他们的潜力.

虽然在没有DRC参与的情况下直接容纳学生似乎更简单, 这种做法可能有风险. 委员会拥有专业知识,可确定有关要求是否适当及合理. 如果你提供住宿但没有提供适当的文件, 其他学生可以质疑这种优待. 也, 通过提供未经证实的住宿, a pattern is set under which a student can claim to be “considered as having a disability” under the law. 因此,当学生向教师询问残疾问题时, 强烈建议将其提交给刚果民主共和国.

第504条和《十大博彩推荐排名》对保密问题有非常明确的规定. 学生自愿加入DRC, 保护他们的机密的责任被认真对待.


Although it may seem contradictory to some that the DRC’s goal is to team with the 教师 to accommodate the student; that is our true mission. 该中心倡导学生权益, but is also available to consult with and assist 教师 in meeting the 大学’s legal responsibilities to students with disabilities.

法律只允许在“需要知道”的基础上传播与残疾有关的信息. 因此,当教师被提醒时, 该中心只允许透露其存在, 不是自然, 残疾的情况,以及需要什么样的帮助来平等地为学生提供学习机会. 向学生提出侵扰性的问题或与之讨论学生的残疾


十大博彩推荐排名州立大学’s Educational Opportunity Fund Program (EOF) provides access for motivated state residents from
underrepresented populations/areas that meet the income criteria and exhibit the potential for high achievement. 教育机会基金项目提供高质量的学术支持, 领导力发展, 金融知识, 职业生涯浓缩, 有意咨询/劝告, 以及基于需求的财政援助,以最大限度地提高所有参与者的智力和社会发展. EOF社区最终让学者充分参与到课程和课外体验中


EOF Students are assigned EOF Professional Counselors who can be used as a resource for a student’s academic development
(辅导、写作工作坊等.). Progress reports are sent to 教师 members for EOF students and other select special admit populations to ensure students maximize the use of their academic resources.


体验十大博彩推荐排名(EM) 是一项全校范围内的活动, events and 研讨会 to help students stimulate intellectual curiosity and career readiness through academic and co-curricular programming. 这一举措促进了学生从第一学期开始的积极参与. As students begin their transition to college life they will be presented with opportunities to explore areas of personal and professional interest in order to gain necessary skills for future employment and/or graduate study. 通过采用基于能力的方法, 学生的参与可以转化为对学生有意义的能力, 管理员, 家庭成员和潜在雇主.


的 重要日期网站 包括重要的即将到来的截止日期和日期为我们的学生. 请查看此信息. 任何增加的内容都将通过红鹰新闻发送到您的大学电子邮件帐户.